Dream Downloads
It is an estimation of 5 % that people may download their
dreams instead of only decoding them. It is possible now to monitor the brain
and see what the person is thinking about but it is going to become easier in
the coming years.
People Marrying Computer Companies
It is not very common and easy to talk to the people who are
at faraway places from here and people have girlfriends and have relationships
with people but it will become an innovation that people may have sex with
robots and have physical relationships with them. It is an estimation of 10 %
of its possibility.
First Child Born in Space
It is an estimation of 10 % about this possibility. It will
become easy soon to give birth to children in space as fast as the technology
is advancing.
4) Moon Hotel
People have advanced top reach the moon now and every
scientist is now reaching the moon. There may be a possibility of 25 % that a
3D hotel may be built in near future and people may enjoy that hotel moon.
150 Year Human Life Spans
There is an estimation of 40 % as the life of man was 35 to 40
from the past 200 years but now it has grown to 75 to 80 so according to
scientists it can reach to 150 years. If the diet is taken proper and healthy
then it can enhance up to 150 years.
6) Crop Pollination Robotic Insects
First Cloned Human
Cloning is 60 % in the possibilities and it is very common
these days that people may develop a person of exactly their size, shape and
features. It will become a huge misunderstanding between the people around to
recognize each other.
8) Spray On Skin
It has 70 % chances in the 2050 to be introduced. By spraying
on the skin like on hand would identify anything and or it will be like a 3D
printed skin. It would become easy to recognize people through their 3D printed
9) Electronic Displayed Tattoos
It has a possibility of 80 % that animated or LED tattoos may
be introduced in the near future where people would be able to illustrate
tattoos through LED.